01 August 2013

meanwhile in Alaska

Today I overheard a couple of women in the locker room complaining about the long stretch of nice weather we've had in Juneau.  While they were enjoying the sunny, 70-80 degree days we've had for large parts of this summer, they were lamenting the fact that they don't own much in the way of 'summer' clothes.  One didn't own any shorts and her kids only had 2 pairs of shorts each.  They didn't want to go buy more because it's Juneau, it'll never be this nice again (and the kids will just grow out of them).  But they were really sick of doing laundry multiple times a week.  Let's just call this an "Alaska problem".

In related summer news, the local NPR station this morning had a story about how to discourage the (really abundant) porcupines from eating the leaves of everything in your garden.  Helpfully, they also gave tips on how to humanely and less-humanely get rid of them.  If you do choose to 'off' one (quick shovel blow to the head was recommended), they suggested burying it in your yard as fertilizer, taking the carcass to the beach for the eagles to eat, or eating it as potential disposal methods.  And in case you choose the latter, the gave tips on how to skin it (carefully and slowly, using gloves) and how to prepare it (marinate first with lots of garlic and herbs to cover the actual taste of the meat).  Seriously, I couldn't make this up people!

Finally, my brother found this site and shared it with me this week...It's a humourous photo site, with a selection of funny photos from Alaska.  (you can access it by clicking on the 'this' above, or copying this address into a brower: http://thechive.com/2013/07/29/meanwhile-in-alaska-30-photos/)  Enjoy!

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