08 July 2013

Impromptu camping

We decided sort of at the last minute on Thursday night to go camping for the weekend.  That's probably the preferred method around here, since you can wait to see what the forecast is for the weather before you commit.  This weekend, the prediction was for cool and cloudy but no rain. 

We picked a campsite up at the Mendenhall campground, which is on the opposite side of Mendenhall Lake from the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center (and thus opposite all the tourists as well).  But, given it's so close to the glacier and that there's icebergs floating in the lake, the breeze through the campsite was downright cold.  We were pretty bundled up all weekend - long underwear and several layers on top - in July.  It was nice in the tent at night though!

One of the downsides to the campground is that there's a shooting range up the road a bit, and the gunshots echo off the mountains.  Seca was pretty freaked out at times (it wasn't constant shooting, it seemed to happen in the morning a bit and again in the evening a bit), oh and there were some fireworks being set off by someone in the area too, which didn't help at all.  End result - Seca spent one night in the truck, managed to climb on top of the folded down passenger seat and get stuck and then peed on the carpet in the truck (I'm pretty confident the peeing was an accident caused by her stuck position).  However, that's a nasty smell and we're still trying to get it out. 
Beaver, coming by to check us out.

We did some sort walks around the campground area with Seca, and a lot of relaxing.  There was a small pond with a beaver in it.  Seca didn't seem to notice the beaver swimming around, but the beaver came to check us out and kept slapping his tail on the water.

It was a nice weekend, but I really wish we didn't have a mess in the car to deal with!

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