26 July 2013

Boston sights and photos

I'm back home in Juneau, YAY!  The conference was a lot of fun, but I'm really glad to be home to cool weather, mountains, and Steve and Seca.  I leave again in about a week for a 2 week research cruise.  Then when I get back, summer is almost over, how sad!

I didn't take very many pictures in Boston - it was too hot to carry around a camera and most of the time I was so busy at the conference there wasn't time for sight-seeing.  Here's a couple...

There were a lot of churches and graveyards full of dead historic people.  They reminded me of Charleston.  I don't remember which one this was from, sorry...

Part of the skyline of Boston, from near the North End (where all the cute little Italian restaurants are).  I walked parts of the Freedom Trail through the city and into the North End.  Very scenic, would have been better if it wasn't 95 degrees and humid.

A beautiful statue outside the Old North Church (where Paul Revere hung the 'one if by land, two if by sea' lanterns way back in 1775). 
The inside of the Old North Church.  They have boxes for the congregants to sit in, in the old English style, instead of rows of pews.  This was so that you could close the door to your box and have a little heater inside to help stay warm in the cold winter.  This was originally a private church, and members paid huge amounts of money for their 'box'. 

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