14 July 2013


I'm in Boston for the week, and Steve's holding down the fort at home.  I'm here for a conference on stock assessment modeling...pretty excited for it to start tomorrow.

The trip here was fine - 12 hours total travel time, so, not awful given the distance.  For the flight between Juneau and Seattle I had the dreaded middle seat - between two giant men.  Gene was on my left and "big Vito" (not his real name) was on my right.  Big Vito was a nice, hairy behemoth with small hams for hands.  He would have been a believable thug on the Sopranos.  But, they were both nice and funny and it made for a fun flight.  For the Seattle to Boston leg I had a window seat and there middle seat was open.  The woman sharing my row works at the Sam Adams Brewery, so she was fun to talk to and said she could help me score brewery tour tickets if I wanted.   I was really happy to not be sitting next to whomever was clipping their nails - yuck, who does that in public in an enclosed space??

Some first impressions of Boston - holy cow it's hot and humid here!  That's going to be tough to get used to.  And it is dark at night, even with the city lights.  It hasn't gotten fully dark in Juneau in a long time.  It was weird to see stars again.

Today I am going to go explore a bit.  My college roommate lives in town so I am going to meet up with her and her husband (also a college friend of mine) later today.  They live at a place with a pool, which is going to feel great given the temperature outside!

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