28 April 2013

blizzard in April

Monday am Update:  I totally have a black eye.  Damn.

I can't believe it's snowing, and has been, for the most part of the past three days.  Steve was going to drop me off at the lab this morning the go to the gym, but we didn't make it to the lab because the roads were pretty much impassable.  We took our snow tires off weeks ago (by law they are supposed to be off by April 15, through the issued an extension this year until May 1).  When we turned around, we stopped to help push a guy in a big SUV off the main road so he wasn't stuck in the main flow of traffic.  In the process of helping him I slipped and hit my forehead on the back of his vehicle - I'm not bruised, but I do have a fancy lump now.  We managed to get back home ok and Steve went into the gym - the weather is a bit better as you go towards town.  Ugh.  I'm ready for spring

I have a bunch of photos to post from last weekend but that will have to wait until I can get to the lab.  It's the last week of classes this week, so it's busy, and Steve flies to Wisconsin for a short visit on Tuesday.  

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