15 April 2013

Herbert Glacier Hike and Alaska Folk Festival

Herbert Glacier
I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.  :)  It was another FABULOUS, sunny, warm(ish) weekend here in Juneau.  The kind that makes you want to stay forever and never live anywhere else.   Friday night there was a fun potluck at one of the faculty's houses, in honor of a visiting scientist from South Africa.  The view from the house where the party was held was incredible - I wish I brought my camera.  His house overlooks Mendenhall Lake and Mendenhall Glacier, and the mountains seem so close you could touch them.

Herbert Glacier is at our backs, were heading back down the valley.  Chilkat Mtns in the far distance.
Saturday we did a 10 mile hike to Herbert Glacier and back, then went downtown to the Alaska Folk Festival.  Sunday we did five loads of laundry, cleaned the inside of Irv and tidied up around the outside (going to plant plants soon), ran errands, and tried to catch up on life. 

Si Kahn and guest at the Alaska Folk Festival
The Folk Festival was fun.  It's the 39th annual Folk Festival and you can go to the Convention Center downtown to watch live (free! though donations encouraged) or you can listen live as they stream it on the local NPR station.  Every night for the past week (Mon-Sun), from 7 -10:30pm or so, they have performances.  Each artist gets 15 minutes, so there's a lot of variety and most were very, very good.   Some were so good that I'm going to look for their CDs. 

For the glacier hike, we packed a lunch and relaxed a bit before hiking back.  There was a stiff breeze coming off the glacier, so we tried to find a sheltered spot to tuck in for lunch. 
Glacier spires
Steve, happy in the sun.
We saw a mountain goat!

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