25 February 2013

short (painful) walk at the beach

Sunday the sun peaked out for a bit and we went to the beach to enjoy it.  The clouds lifted high enough to see some of the mountains around us. 

Unfortunately, shortly after arriving, I slipped down some metal stairs (Steve had the dog - she didn't pull me) and landed hard on my wrist.  I think I slid down about 4-5 stairs before stopping.  My wrist and hand hurt something fierce, so eventually I decided to go get it checked out at Urgent Care.  Luckily, the doc on call didn't think anything was broken from the x-rays (apparently some of the small bones are hard to see).  I bruised the 'thumb pad' part of my palm pretty badly though, and that's what's making it hard to move today.  As long as it doesn't still hurt really bad in a few days, I'm in the clear and won't need an MRI.  Already the swelling has gone down a lot and it's getting better.  Today though I am feeling all the other bruises I acquired on the way down - ouch.  Also very fortunately - I somehow didn't smash my camera when I fell. 

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