20 October 2012

Pumpkin carving night

                                          A goblin shark pumpkin!

A fellow student hosted a pumpkin carving night Saturday.  Steve dug through the giant box of pumpkins at the grocery store to pick out two for us.  The way he tells the story, he went in head first, feet kicking in the air, to find perhaps the only two remaining pumpkins that weren't moldy and gross.

It was a fun night - lots of good pumpkin carving skills at work and I'm bummed I didn't get a picture of all the pumpkins together.  They were smart too and spread out a huge plastic sheet on the living room floor to contain the mess.  One person was really creative with gourds and corn to make the facial features.  Steve made a candle for his - a bacon grease candle.  It was literally leftover bacon grease that he poured into a cut-up beer can, added a wick (part of a piece of rope he found laying outside in the RV lot), and viola!  A bacon candle.  It smelled faintly of bacon (which explains why the dogs were very interested in it), but burned amazingly well!  If you look inside the mouth of the pumpkin you can see the candle.

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