26 October 2012

Kodiak wildlife

I was impressed with the amount of wildlife that could be seen at the marina, right across the street from the convention center where we were meeting.  I’ll admit that I slipped outside between talks or during lunch to see what was out there.

There was a couple of sea lions (Stellars sea lion perhaps?) hanging around.  Have you ever seen one’s backside?  Weird that they have tails.

These sea lions are BIG.  Maybe 6-8 feet long and looked like they weighed several hundred pounds.  And they have big teeth.  I wouldn’t want to mess with one.

A sea otter

Some different types of starfish, best visible at low tide.

Sea gull.  It makes my feet cold just looking at him.

And this eagle was buzzing around the harbor, chasing the gulls. It was surprisingly agile for such a big bird.  It seemed like it was pretty effortlessly weaving in and out of the masts and boat rigging.

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