17 September 2011

Scottish Games Festival

There is a big Scottish population in Charleston and every year (for the last forty years!) they hold the Scottish Games Festival.  It's held outdoors at Boone Hall Plantation (because nothin' says 'Scottish' like a Plantation, right?) and there's food (including haggis, but not Scotch), games, bagpipe (or 'pipe' as it is properly called) competitions, dancing competitions, and a border collie/sheep herding demonstration.  I went with Beth because Steve had to work.  It. Was. Awesome.  However, after 2 hours of bagpipe competition, I had had enough of them.  All the music starts to sound the same after a while and I had heard "Scotland the Brave" more times that I could count.

Here's a video clip from the opening ceremony, where I think every pipe and drum group competing was playing together.

The games were also fun - caber throwing (think telephone pole), hammer throwing, sheep tossing, wrestling, and some ball on a chain throw.  This is picture of a (giant) guy getting ready to throw a caber.

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