26 September 2011

Most bizarre camping ever

For the first time in decades of camping, we hit a new milestone.  We were the only campers in the tent camping loop (out of 50 camping sites).  It was eerily quiet.  The park was largely deserted - there was only the campground host and two other sites occupied in the RV loop (also about 50 sites, and which was a ways down the road from our loop).  The parking lot for the pavillion and park office - empty - on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  It was like entering the Twilight Zone. 

The campsites were very pretty, right on the lake, with a nice sunset view (above).  In another wild 'first' there were some storms that passed through the area on Sunday.  As we were sitting and enjoying dessert and well after the storms were gone, we heard the distinctive *crack* of a tree falling.  To our amazement it fell just a couple of sites over and we watched it go down.  (Don't worry, we weren't in danger)  Seca was really excited by the noise and boom of it landing, so we all walked over to check it out.  Even odder was the fact that the tree, which was about a 50-60 ft tall and 1 foot diameter pine, broke off about 4 feet up from the ground, leaving a tall, jagged stump.

We spent a lot of the weekend hanging out and reading in hammocks.  It was perfect.  

We also cooked up a bunch of good food.  Breakfast burritos, BBQ chicken and sweet potatoes, steak and green beans...

Steve making the best dessert ever - chocolate, caramel, marshmallow pudgie (hobo) pie.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great (and odd) trip -- and all to your benefit! Steve, even before I clicked on the photo of you creating your pudgie pie, I knew you were working with your tongue sticking out!
