09 September 2011

North Cascades National Park

We took the (very) scenic route to Anacortes, WA today, by detouring through North Cascades National Park.  It's unusually hot and sunny here this week (go figure) which made for a nice drive.  Today there was a big earthquake in Vancouver Island (about 6.4).  We didn't feel it.  I have bad luck.

This is from one of the scenic overlooks at the Visitor Center.  Look at the crazy knob-like thing on the left!

This is part of the waterfall at Gorge Creek Falls.  I had my zoom lens on so I'm missing most of it.  Maybe I'll get a copy of mom's picture that will be better.

This is the view from the Washington Pass Overlook.  The mountains here are much more rugged (though not as high) compared to Colorado.  

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you. I am glad you are okay. Bleh! Hey: I didn't know your mom was with you!! Have fun!!
