10 December 2014

Getting through winter

We're almost at the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.  It'll be nice to turn the corner and start getting longer days.  Right now, we're down to about 5 hours of wan light.  It's good for staying home and watching movies with popcorn.  And that's exactly what we did last night.  Last weekend I found a cheap movie bin at the grocery store and picked up nine movies...except that some of the boxes had multiple movies in them - like the 10-pack Fantasy movie collection, which I solely bought because it contained the movie The Beastmaster, which was Brian and my favorite movie as kids.  I've probably seen it 50 times or more, but the last time was probably when I was 10 years old.  Yes, it did stand the test of time and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing it last night.  It was rad.

Also in the movie purchase was a 20-pack of crazy old Sci-Fi movies (like 'They', 'Journey to the Center of the Earth', and '100 million BC'), Grease, the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Gremlins, Tropic Thunder, and the first season of the tv show Charlies Angels.  It should take us a while to get through all those!

The 'Fantasy Collection':
The upstairs neighbors are back from vacation, so Cassie and Alfie are back home.  :(  I kinda miss them.  On their last morning with us I had to get up and leave really early with Steve, so the pups all got food very early in the morning (~3 hours earlier than usual).  Cassie doesn't seem like much of a morning dog...it took all she had to drag her front half over to her bowl, then she sat there with her head in her bowl for a good minute or two before slowly eating, then retreating back to the bed (all while never moving her back end, I might add).  It was pretty hilarious. 

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