30 November 2014

Winter is here, for now

Last night we had our first company over to the apartment - Karson and Bryce came over for dinner and euchre.  It was fun to have space for entertaining without being crammed into the Irv.

 We are dog-sitting for the two dogs who live upstairs while their owners are on their honeymoon in Hawaii.  They're small and pretty low maintenance, and we bring them down here most of the time, so it's an easy dog-sitting gig.  The bigger one, Cassie, is a basset hound.  She a lover, and will flop down on the floor in front of you (it's not a far flop!) so you can rub her belly.  The smaller one standing on Steve's chest is Alfie, and he's pretty adorable.  I don't know what breed he is, but he must still be pretty young - his favorite thing other than walks is to run around on the carpet upstairs (like a little crazy beastie). Seca is completely ambivalent about having them around. 

We're having our first snowfall and first winter storm of the year.  It started last night, and should end sometime Sunday afternoon.  It's pretty, but also a reminder that I don't really like snowfall at sea level.  I think it's much prettier up in the mountains, where you don't have to shovel it.  We also have a much larger driveway to shovel now. 

I left some birdseed on the back steps, where it's covered and sheltered from the snow.  Happy Thanksgiving, bird friends!
And finally, we had leftover baguette from dinner last night, and also leftover eggnog, so I made cinnamon-eggnog french toast with warm berry sauce for breakfast.  It was nice to come in for warm breakfast after shoveling.  (Have I mentioned how much I don't like shoveling?)  It's supposed to warm up again later in the week, but I don't know if that will mean we'll get above freezing back here at the glacier.  It's always colder back here than the rest of Juneau.

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