03 November 2014

Mmmmm, sunshine

This might be the best commute for a conference ever:

We are staying about 1 mile from the workshop site, but fortunately, it's a nice stroll along the beach then up a hill to the meeting place. 

The morning was free today, so I went strolling around La Jolla. I didn't go swimming, but I probably should have, since the water is apparently pretty warm.  There were a TON of surfers out too.  I was trying to get some good pictures, but none turned out to my liking. 

The weather is amazing here.  It was ~52 this morning, but maybe 70 for a high.  It feels really dry (compared to Juneau).  I'm not sure I could handle this much sun year-round, but given the crappy summer we had in Juneau, it sure is nice right now.  I wish Steve was here!!!!

I'm not sure how much time I'll have off for the remainder of the week, but if I get a chance I'll get out again.  In the mean time, here's a few other fun pictures. 

Wish you all were here with me!

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