30 November 2014

Winter is here, for now

Last night we had our first company over to the apartment - Karson and Bryce came over for dinner and euchre.  It was fun to have space for entertaining without being crammed into the Irv.

 We are dog-sitting for the two dogs who live upstairs while their owners are on their honeymoon in Hawaii.  They're small and pretty low maintenance, and we bring them down here most of the time, so it's an easy dog-sitting gig.  The bigger one, Cassie, is a basset hound.  She a lover, and will flop down on the floor in front of you (it's not a far flop!) so you can rub her belly.  The smaller one standing on Steve's chest is Alfie, and he's pretty adorable.  I don't know what breed he is, but he must still be pretty young - his favorite thing other than walks is to run around on the carpet upstairs (like a little crazy beastie). Seca is completely ambivalent about having them around. 

We're having our first snowfall and first winter storm of the year.  It started last night, and should end sometime Sunday afternoon.  It's pretty, but also a reminder that I don't really like snowfall at sea level.  I think it's much prettier up in the mountains, where you don't have to shovel it.  We also have a much larger driveway to shovel now. 

I left some birdseed on the back steps, where it's covered and sheltered from the snow.  Happy Thanksgiving, bird friends!
And finally, we had leftover baguette from dinner last night, and also leftover eggnog, so I made cinnamon-eggnog french toast with warm berry sauce for breakfast.  It was nice to come in for warm breakfast after shoveling.  (Have I mentioned how much I don't like shoveling?)  It's supposed to warm up again later in the week, but I don't know if that will mean we'll get above freezing back here at the glacier.  It's always colder back here than the rest of Juneau.

24 November 2014

Where has time gone?

Frosty evergreen

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks.  A few days after moving into the new apartment, I left for a school/work trip to Seattle.  As a result, I’m still not used to the apartment, and have twice in the past two days made a turn to go back to the Irv site, instead of the new place.  But, I LOVE (lovelovelovelove) the apartment!

This is what I love about it (sort of in order of what I love most, but sometimes the order varies):

Laundry!  All the glorious laundry that I want to do it always available, never needs quarters, and I can let it sit without fear of it ‘wandering off’.  Who knew something so basic would bring so much joy.

Hot water!  Any time I want, and pretty much as much as I want.  We never left the water heater on in Irv, so gone are the days of ice cold face washing at night.  I can do dishes on a whim!  I can shower in my own space without having to go outside.
Space!  This is a given.  But it sure is nice to not have to step over the dog all the time, or cook with only 1.5 square feet of counter space.   We have seemingly miles of counter space now.
A couch!  We can sit somewhere other than the booths at the table.  Let the slouchy movie watching commence.  (Oh, and we have a TV now!! But no cable or actual TV channels…but we can watch movies!)

A real fridge!  I can have condiments on hand.  Novel, I know.

It’s warm in here!  Deliciously warm.  And no humidity problems either.

A view!  When it’s not too foggy, we have a beautiful view of the glacier surrounded by mountains from our living room.  When it’s foggy, we see lots of trees.  On a clear night, the northern lights are also visible from the living room.  Behind us is a national forest campground and lake, then the glacier.  Great trails for walking Seca!  The picture below is from the campground loop.

So, things are going great.  Irv is parked around the side of the house and we’re still moving a few last things in, then he needs a good cleaning and we’ll put back all of the things we took out (like the couch and the ugly valances).  

This is the apartment, with the back door at my back.  Front entrance is in the upper left of the picture, with the fridge partially blocking it from view here.  You enter into the kitchen, there's a front hall closet  right in front.  To the front-left of the table there's a door to the garage/laundry. Back right of the picture is the bedroom, with the door to the bathroom before the door to the bedroom.
This is a picture looking at the living room and back door.  I have a little office nook behind the couch.  The door to the garage/laundry is now on the right.  It's cosy but so nice!  Oh and it came mostly furnished, and I think the previous owner's dog is responsible for the shreds on the couch bottom. :)

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone!  I’m thankful for an apartment this year. 

03 November 2014

Mmmmm, sunshine

This might be the best commute for a conference ever:

We are staying about 1 mile from the workshop site, but fortunately, it's a nice stroll along the beach then up a hill to the meeting place. 

The morning was free today, so I went strolling around La Jolla. I didn't go swimming, but I probably should have, since the water is apparently pretty warm.  There were a TON of surfers out too.  I was trying to get some good pictures, but none turned out to my liking. 

The weather is amazing here.  It was ~52 this morning, but maybe 70 for a high.  It feels really dry (compared to Juneau).  I'm not sure I could handle this much sun year-round, but given the crappy summer we had in Juneau, it sure is nice right now.  I wish Steve was here!!!!

I'm not sure how much time I'll have off for the remainder of the week, but if I get a chance I'll get out again.  In the mean time, here's a few other fun pictures. 

Wish you all were here with me!

Halloween fun

We went to a Halloween party with some of my grad school friends.  These were some of my favorite costumes...

In general my friends are a lot more into Halloween than me!

I'm in California!

I'm at a conference this week in La Jolla, CA.  Wow, the sunshine here is amazing!  I've already been out taking pictures and enjoying the beach, but I have to run right now...I'll try to post some stuff tonight!  And I also have fun Halloween pictures!

More to come...
