17 March 2014

I wish I was in Vegas too...

Steve left yesterday for a mountain biking trip to Vegas (and beyond).  He and a friend will be hitting the trails, each with their own GoPro camera to record their fun.  I hope he sends me a picture or two to share...and that he comes back without any broken bones.  They come back on Friday night. 

I texted him this morning to let him know about the fabulous weather he was missing.
     Me: Good morning!  It's snowing here - and sticking!
     Steve: 69 and sunny.  High of 81.  I'm never coming back.
     Me: You'd miss Seca.  You'll be back.  :)
     Steve: Ok...
I'm a bit jealous of the weather there.  I'm definitely done with winter. 

So I'm on my own this week, which is actually pretty unusual for me.  I'm on spring break, but since I'm done with classes that doesn't actually mean much.  I might take a day off if it gets nice outside, but if not, it's business as usual.

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