14 December 2012


It's been a crazy week here.  I finished up and turned in my final exams, Steve and I moved into a house 'out the road' where we'll be house- and pet-sitting for the next month.  The family has a dog, cat, two guinea pigs, and a turtle!  It's nice being in a house for a bit though this place has some challenges because it's got a crazy steep (and icy) driveway.  I had my first committee meeting (which triggered another, follow up meeting about my project), and the school is also conducting interviews for a new faculty hire - so there were seminars and lunches and meetings with each of the candidates.  In short, I'm very, very glad it's Friday!

My mom is coming for a visit on Saturday (I hope the weather holds out so she can land!).  Then we have a week of fun planned.  Stay turned for more on our adventures!

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