02 July 2012

Shifting plans

The plans we've made for moving to Juneau have been fluid since day one.  That's because there's so many things to do and decide, lots of unknowns, and we've been just rolling with it.  Originally, (Plan A) we were going to sell the motorcycles and buy an enclosed trailer and pack everything in that, towing it with the truck.  Then we bought an RV and we going to tow the truck with that.  On to Plan N or so (we're certainly not at Z yet, that would denote some finality)...On Saturday we spent several record-breaking HOT, humid, sticky hours in the garage working on Steve's V-Strom, trying to figure out if there was any way to get it into the bed of the truck, under the topper.  It will take some finessing, but we think we have a way to do it.  Because the bike's a bit too long for the bed, it will hang over the tailgate just a bit, meaning we have to leave the tailgate down.  That, of course, means I need to change the ferry reservation for the fourth time and note the new truck length (which means more $$ to the AK Ferry system, I think they aught to name a vessel after us at this point!).  I do hope this is the last time I need to do that...

We head off down the road exactly one month from today, August 2.  We've finally sold the tow bar and the collapsible dog kennel.  Still need to sell the FJ 1200, fish tank, futon (though there's someone hopefully coming tonight to look at that), the bed, and a few other minor items.  With the exception of the FJ, it can all get donated at the last minute if needed.  I'm not sure what Steve's plan is for the FJ, since it currently won't start.

I'm slowly packing up the few items that we're planning to keep (probably with us in the RV) but not use - our dishes (too big and heavy), our wall art (not really any walls in Irv), and the 'momentos' box (wedding photos, photo CDs, etc).  We'll probably start moving items into the RV about two weeks before we leave.  We don't want to do it too early since we're using a lot of it still, and it's bloody hot and humid in the RV and don't want stuff to get funky.

On an unrelated note, I am living, breathing proof that people can adjust to just about anything.  I HATE the heat.  But honestly, today's high of 93 with 80% humidity doesn't feel that bad.  Sure, that's in comparison to the weekend's 103, but still.  And, when we'd come in from the hot garage (which was probably hotter than 103), the 78 degree house felt cold!  I'm hoping the reverse acclimatization works too...When I checked the weather in Juneau for the weekend, they were having highs of about 48-50 degrees!

31 days...we'll be ready, one way or another.

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