31 July 2012

Moved out of the house

We're officially living in the RV now!  Sunday we got almost everything out of the house and into the RV.  Sunday night we went to a friends house for a fun BBQ and to say goodbye.  Monday we got the last items out (there's always more than you think there will be) and took a couple of hours to clean the house before we hand the keys back over to the rental agent (sometime today or tomorrow).  It was hot and gross and I've never been so happy for a shower as I was last night.

Around 1 pm on Monday we drove the RV over to the campground where we'll be staying for three nights.  First, the RV was so packed you couldn't move anywhere inside (that'll change soon - thought the picture above is AFTER we organized a bit).  When we got to the RV park we took an hour or so to plug in, turn on the AC, and rearrange so that we could move around inside.  It's not perfect but it is better.  We left Irv with the AC running, hoping it would cool off enough to be comfortable by the time we came back.  We had very unusual weather for Charleston in the summer on Monday...it was overcast with on-and-off showers all day, and the temps were only in the 80s (maybe even low 80s).  I didn't think we'd have too much trouble getting it cool in the RV.  The Oak Plantation campground is very nice, we have a mostly shady spot not too far from the bathrooms (which are very nice and clean!) and the staff there have been very helpful.

When we finally got back to Irv at about 7:30 pm last night, this time with a very freaked-out Seca in tow, the RV was freezing cold inside (well, it was 70 degrees, way colder than we kept the house in the summer).  It was raining and thundering and it was all a bit stressful for the dog.  She's better today, and I think feeling more comfortable inside. 

This morning it was really foggy when I took Seca outside. 
So, we're officially mobile!  Fun.  :)

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