28 September 2016

Mt. Roberts on a sunny day

Today is our last day off together for a bit. I start my new job on Monday, and Steve's schedule is always a bit weird...so we went for a hike up (partway up) Mt. Roberts. I don't know how much elevation we gained, but we went past where the tramway ends on top, and then a bit higher to a place you can see north and south along the Gastineau Channel. It was a gorgeous sunny day, but man are we tired now! It was about 6 miles round trip, and maybe 1200 feet or so of elevation gain. The summit of Mt. Roberts is another 3 miles (one way) and 1600 feet elevation up the trail, more than I wanted to hike today!

Looking north(ish). Douglas Island is across the bridge, downtown Juneau is on 'this' side of the bridge, in the upper right of the picture is the airport in that flat area. The mountains in the far distance (top right) are the Chilkats.

Looking south along Gastineau Channel. The mountain here is really steep and avalanches are common in winter. From Douglas Island you can see the waterfalls that run down the whole face of the mountain...pretty cool.

Steve, looking quite handsome. : )
 Me, looking a bit windblown : )

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