20 April 2016

Fishing in WA

I went out on a day trip with the hook and line survey for work...hook and line fishing for rockfish. We weigh, measure, and for some species, tag the fish that are caught by a bunch of volunteer anglers (myself included). We were fishing off the coast of WA, about two hours north (by boat) of Westport. It was a perfect day - not hot, and cloudy enough to not get sunburned, but also not cold. The only bummer was that I had to leave the house at 4 am to meet the boat.
Heading out from Westport

I'm a pretty poor fisherman compared to some of the volunteers that have been going out for a long time. My arms got really sore! I caught ~5 black rockfish, and a whole lot more got off the hook before I got them up.
Our in-house photographer was along for the day to try to get pictures of some of the fish for our website. She has a more elaborate photography set up for times when she's shooting on land.  Here she's trying to get a picture of a small lingcod.
 We also measured the lingcod and then sent it back to grow big.

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