13 February 2016

A fishy conference

Last week I was at a great, but exhausting, fisheries conference in Newport, OR. It was really fun to catch up with friends from all over the west coast, and to get to know my current coworkers better.

While I was at the conference, Steve was volunteering for a Puget Sound trawl survey with some of the people I work with! It sounds like they had spectacular weather and great food on the boat. But unfortunately, he started getting sick on the boat and is now vegging on the couch, trying to get better quickly since we have a date night tomorrow to see Pretty in Pink in the movie theater. : )

I didn't bring my camera to the conference, so I had only my phone for pictures. The conference hotel was on the beach and we also had great weather for a couple of days. The final social event was held at the aquarium in Newport, which was SO MUCH FUN. I took a gazillion pictures of fish.

Here's a few...the rest will go on facebook.

 This guy looks like he's smiling for the camera!
 Touch tank!!

 This is my happy place:
 Acting our age...
 Me and a bunch of my awesome coworkers:
 Selfie with friend and fellow Juneau student, Jane.
 Random pair of shoes on the beach...
 Agate beach, right in front of our hotel.
 Ah, sunset on another fabulous day.
 Trying to get a beach fire going...it took forever, but finally it took off.

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