30 December 2015

Coastal CA, part 2

Hello, San Francisco! We headed into the big city for a couple of hours for some of the usual tourist stuff...drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, and walk at Pier 39 (Fisherman's Wharf). We tried to get tickets to visit Alcatraz, but they were sold out until January 5! So instead we had lunch and walked around a bit.

Stinky sea lion on the pier.

The next day Steve and I went back to Pinnacles NP, the west entrance this time, and Dad and Barb went on a Winchester Mansion tour in San Jose. The tour sounded like it was sort of interesting and definitely unique. The other side of Pinnacles had more caves and a tougher hike, but was otherwise similar to the other side of the park.

This time I brought my tripod and got a couple of pictures in and around the caves. It was cold inside them (ice on the ground) and also cold wherever the sun didn't strike.

On our way back from Pinnacles we took a scenic detour though Carmel Valley, which was a fun, twisty road through the countryside. There were lots of small farms - cattle and vineyards (or, as we call them 'grape orchards'):

As I stepped out of the car to take this picture, Steve said "Make sure you get the drool in the shot". I *think* he was referring to the calf.  The cows were pretty wary of me.

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