08 August 2015

Weird potatoes

When I got home from work one day this week, there was a loaf of bread on the counter. We rarely buy sliced bread unless we're going camping and want to make pudgie pies, so I asked Steve why he'd gotten it:
Steve: "It was a demo item at the store."
Me: "Oh, was so good you bought a loaf?"
Steve: "No, they were giving away whole loaves as the demo."
Me: "Oooooookay. That's kinda weird."
Steve: "Yep. But now we have a free loaf of bread."

Has anyone ever see that happen?? Weird, right?
In other news, our CSA veggies this week were excellent. I brought the cucumbers into work to share, since we have a ton. Swiss chard, lettuce, zucchini, summer squash, red and white onion, garlic, slicing cucumber, pickling cucumber, cherry tomatoes, green bell pepper, carrots, a sprig of rosemary, and crazy weird potatoes.

Here's the potatoes. I thought they were ginger roots at first because they were so knobby. I had no idea potatoes could grow like that.

And lastly, this week I finally finished the last of my new-job training requirements...the online class on how to identify, avoid, and if necessary, report sexual harassment in the workplace. It was a fine class, really, and I think in general it's important training. But there were several hilarious examples (which I think weren't supposed to be funny).  You'll be happy to know I scored 100% on the exam. But this question on the test made me laugh out loud, so enjoy:

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