30 April 2015

Shrink wrapped and ready to ship

Last night we picked up a Uhaul, loaded up everything from our storage locker (2/3 of our stuff) then drove it to the house to load up the last 1/3. Actually, not quite all our stuff...we have two sleeping bags, two suitcases, two plates, two bowls (...2 spoons/forks/glasses, etc) still at the apartment. Then this morning we drove to the shipping warehouse and put everything on pallets.  Eight pallets, to be exact, for a grand total of 2,760 pounds.  It'll leave Juneau about the same time we do, and will be ready to pick up in Seattle shortly after we get there.  

Here is all is, shrink wrapped and read for weighing and loading into a shipping container:

And also, this is how you know you're packing the last dregs, and things you missed...you've packed TV parts, a (sealed) bag of rice, and shoes, all in the same box...

Leaving is so bittersweet for us. Steve's excited for roads and warmer weather, I'm excited about the new job, but we're leaving so much behind.  Great memories, great friends.  Tuesday morning we board the ferry for another new adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! There's so much in a photo of your stuff all Saran-wrapped. It's part of the grand adventure, friends, hold on tight! xo
