01 March 2015

Learning to surf

On the beach in Samara:

Today instead of an alarm, we woke up to howler monkey growling and hooting outside our bedroom window.  They are shockingly loud for such little critters. We watched them scramble along the trees, about 8-10 of them, one a little baby still hanging on mom.

 Must be so handy to have a prehensile tail.

We were signed up for a 8 am lesson surfing, but didn't get to start until 9. I think it was because the instructor wasn't there yet. One hour lesson for two was $70, and then includes 5 days free surfboard rental or boogie board rental to keep practicing.
The instructor started by showing us what to do on a surfboard without a fin, on land.  We practiced the motion of paddling, getting ready to stand, and standing several times each. Then, into the water! Steve went first, with the instructor counting and telling him when to stand.  Steve got up on his first try!  It was pretty awesome.  I went next and didn't quite get standing.  But after a few tries I was riding too! It's really fun, but surprisingly exhausting.  You use muscles for padding that don't often get used.

Today is cloudier than the past couple of days, but still hotter than hades. After surfing we stopped at an organic grocery for a tomato, lime, and more pineapple.  We'll have salsa, guac, chips and pineapple for dinner.  The store sells freezey pops - cucumber mint lime, or pineapple basil mint.  Sounds delicious!

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