Ahh, today is our last day, we've had such a great time. We miss Seca a bit...we did get an update (with a picture) earlier in the trip, and she's doing fine. Tomorrow we start the trip home, which will take about 36 hours and get us into Juneau just after noon on Saturday.
Today though, we had big plans.
First, an early
morning hike at the national park. We were the first people there so we
had the first half of the hike to ourselves. There's a loop trail that
took about 2.5 hours to do.

It started in the dark jungle, where we
heard monkeys and saw lots of birds and a big rodent (an agouti, though I
couldn't get a picture since it was pretty dark under all the trees),
and a gorgeous little ravine with a waterfall.
Pretty little waterfall, but I was getting eaten alive by bugs!!
Then the forest canopy thinned out and we started smelling sulfur from the volcano. There were fumaroles, boiling springs, and mud pots.
After the hike, we had our horseback ride to yet another waterfall, this one much bigger! It was a fun ride, but the horses liked to trot a bit too much for my comfort. :)
My trot-happy horse.
Finally, after the ride, we went BACK to the hotsprings to soak our sore muscles!
Tomorrow - heading home. So sad!