09 January 2015

time is ticking away

Whoa, it's January.  Like, almost mid-January. 

We're doing well here, really, really busy with school and work, and it's been kinda cold and gross out so we've not made much of an effort to get outside.  Ugh.  Winter can end soon, I'd be ok with that.  We did get a big snowfall on Wednesday, so it's pretty here again.

The other day I wanted some homey comfort food so I made some whole wheat rustic bread.  It turned out so well!  Nothing like warm bread on a cold day, if you ask me.

I'm frantically trying to get my modeling chapter draft done.  Hopefully it'll be in draft form in the next 3-4 weeks.  I don't suspect I'll be really active posting for the next bit, but look for a few random posts, definitely in early February (we have a sudden weekend trip planned) and then we're going on a warm VACATION (yay) at the end of February.  Costa Rica!  Ugh, I can't wait!!

Merry New Year everyone!

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