27 October 2014

Weekend getaway

After a looooong week at an in-town conference (which is somehow worse than a conference out of town), we spent a relaxing weekend at a lovely vacation house in Douglas.  Douglas is really just Juneau, but across the bridge from downtown Juneau, on Douglas Island.  The house is owned by one of Steve's clients, who let us use it for the weekend.  So we got to hang out in a beautiful house high on a hilltop that was dozens of times larger than Irv, with a beautiful view of downtown Juneau, and with a big screen tv perfect for watching movies.  It was fabulous. 

Steve brought the GoPro and tried to take a time lapse of the view of downtown, and it sort of worked.  I'll try to get a copy to post here.  I also brought my camera and took some pictures.  The top picture (above) is the view Saturday evening as the sun was setting.

This is Friday night, as the fog rolled in:

 And finally, later Saturday night, it was crystal clear out (well, if you're on the hill on not in town where there was fog next to the water) and there's a hint of northern lights starting over the mountains!

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