09 April 2014

Steve at the gym

UPDATE:  I took a picture of Steve before class today.  I thought it would be weird to take a picture during class, so you can't see him in all his energizer-bunny-mode glory.  He's generally got a crazy amount of energy that early in the morning, bouncing all over the class and encouraging people.  Sometimes he cracks me up so much that I laugh out loud...

Steve has been studying for several months to take his personal trainer certification test.  Right now, the test is scheduled for early May.  This week, he started shadowing a certified trainer at the gym - to see how they work, make sure he likes it, and learn about the things you don't get out of the study books.  So far, he says he likes it!  I keep trying to get him to practice on me...but it hasn't happened yet.  :)  He's also still teaching two Insanity classes a week, and is getting really good at teaching.  I'll try to sneak a picture of him teaching on Friday to post!