I'm on a co-ed, recreational-league volleyball team this spring. The season is almost over, and Saturday was the first day of playoffs. We're a pretty good team, but really inconsistent, in terms of playing skills (game to game, even) and showing up for games. I think we technically have 5 men and 5 women on the team, but we usually struggle to get 5-6 to show up (and there's sex ratio limits to what we can play a game with). Sometimes that's frustrating for me, though in most cases people miss because they travel for work, so it's unavoidable.
Team Rougheyes (that's a type of rockfish). Blurry photo though...sorry. |
Anyways, we made it to the second day of tournament play (tonight). If we lose another match, we're out. And I suspect we'll lose tonight, unfortunately. One of our tallest, best players will be out of town tonight, and honestly, the other teams that have made it to tonight are all really, really good teams. But, even if we're done after today, it was a fun season!
Sunday it was pretty warm out - like 53 - so I took Seca for a walk at the glacier while Steve was working. This is from the boardwalk, our favorite salmon and bears-eating-salmon watching spot in the late summer and fall. No bears there now though! We're just barely starting to get green in some places where all the snow is gone, and Auke and Mendenhall lakes are still both frozen over. But, you can feel spring in the air!