24 November 2015


We went camping in northern California, to Redwood National Park. It was a beautiful, sunny, fun weekend getaway.  We got really lucky with the weather, it was nice every day until the drive home when it started raining around sunset in Oregon. The coast area gets a lot of fog, sometimes all days at the coast, sometimes only at night. At night it was such thick fog it would drip from the trees on our campsite. 

On the way down, we stopped at the Tillamook Cheese Factory, watched the staff process cheese for quite a while, sampled all their cheese, and bought some to bring home. I think I should have gone into some sort of food science field - combine my love of cooking and interest in science into a job. It was really fun to watch them work and try to figure out how everything worked.
We lucked out on this sunset - we were in the perfect place at just the right time.
The trees in the parks (there are several State and National parks in the area) were so huge, it was hard to wrap our heads around their size and age.

There are three herds of Roosevelt elk in the area and we saw all three. These were the northern-most herd., close to our campsite.
We also saw lots of birds, deer, a porcupine (really really close!) and an owl!

This is trillium falls. We went on a 3 mile loop hike through giant trees and tiny creeks.
Steve, enjoying some cheese and a sunny lunch spot.
And a little scenery on the drive home too. This is the Smith River, middle fork.